Online sissy training starts here. Most of you looking for a sissy trainer cannot really do the real thing because of wives and families. But almost all my phone sex sissies only dream about sucking cock. However, many do dress at least in panties. If you have a wife, I promise you that she has some pretty lingerie. And she has a dildo or two. I talked to a new guy this week. And he is more a sissy wannabe. He is a beta male. I love beta bitch boys too. Not only are they fun to peg and dress, but they are fun to teach how to suck cock using their wife’s sex toy.
This new sissy needed a phone dominatrix. Someone who could push him beyond his comfort level. And that’s what I do for a living. I take men who dream of sucking cock and dressing like a girl, and I push them beyond their comfort level. And I teach them how to handle a cock if they should ever go to a glory hole. Glory holes are discreet. So, they seem like the best option of sissies who want cock but fear discovery.
Not Every One Can Be an Out and Proud Sissy
I told my new sissy that I wanted him to find ten cocks to suck. And that’s easier than you would think. Here are the two best ways to suck a lot of cock. Either go to the glory hole and be patient. Or go to a truck stop and cab hop. Most truckers do not care who sucks their cock. All they care about is that someone sucks their cock. And truckers are transient, so they never live in the place where they stay for the night.
When you call me for sissy training, I want to help you truly be a sissy, even if on the down low. I can help you and train you without your family ever finding out that you are a cock sucking sissy.