I got myself a nice speed bag yesterday. Wasn’t one that you’d think would be doable, but it works. He’s got a great bounce to him. Looks uneven in the hanging position, but it’s supposed to.
See, in my sissy training, I like to think I’m pretty reasonable. Just follow my orders, do as I say, and everyone will be fine. Win/win right? I treat you like the fuckwad you are, and you’ll like it.
But this one sissy, my new speed bag, didn’t think that was fair. As “he” got all huffy that I kept using him as my sitting stool. And that he wasn’t getting any cummies recently, or any dicks for that matter. So he came to me being an absolute brat.
I don’t play with brats. I tame them. So he wanted to be a “big man” and tell me what goes down. I decided some humiliation and punishment was needed. First by just basically lambasting the little slut by how dumb they are to think I’d go for their antics.
Like, you think you’re playing chess, when in reality it’s Connect 4.
So, using those balls as a speed bag. Even get the pitter patter sound to go off.
That pansy ass sissy boy sounds pretty good too when he’s screaming, too. I’ll give em that.