Online sissy training has you all wrapped around my pinky finger. You are . no longer your own person. I command everything that you do from here on out. I know you’re going to behave and take my assignments otherwise you’ll come crawling to me begging for forgiveness.
I don’t have a lot of forgiveness left in me for Sissies gone bad! . The truth of the matter is I expect you to do your assignments and report back in a timely fashion. No I’m not too hard on you but going into a panty and lingerie store or bookstore of the adult variety to buy a pair of panties and maybe a porn DVD while you’re there isn’t too hard. In my view I should command you from whatever I am because I have that power. I checked my emails daily to make sure that my sissy has been reporting and in a dutiful fashion. I love to see the pictures of you all dressed up in your new attire or some things you’ve dug out of your wife’s closet. Now there’s such things as dildo training and that is for anal and for cocksucking.
There is a calendar that I can send you of things that expect you to do on a certain day. That’s why it’s so important to have a mistress that knows and understands how to work your sissy life and around your personal life. Now I am kind of a dominatrix and you might just have to find things around your house to spank yourself with like your belt or that new toy brought off the website I suggest as you go to. I mean I’m very inventive and creative and I know that our training sessions will cloud your brain and your life and have you in a trance for your one and only mistress Zoey!