Sissy girl training for Lauren’s boy-pussy & new plumped lips!

Sissy girl trainingThere is nothing that gets me more in the mood than Sissy girl training with my inferior bitch boys. This big dicked sissy Lauren is one of my favorite little toys to play with. She is so good at instructional play and submission in all aspects. She grew her hair out like I told her to and got her sweet lips plumped up for me. We had big things planned out for this pathetic fuck doll. She was so excited that we could now pimp her slutty body out to all the nasty men out there now. 

I told her she needed to get some augmentations and surgeries done before we could make money off her. She took it seriously and will soon have some big fat fake bimbo tits on her chest. Her lips a plumped and juicy for cock sucking and her ass hole is waxed and smooth. Now we can officially call it a bussy when she gets her hole fucked by my strap on and some big cock. If you are in need for a Phone domination session I am your girl. You should be getting your pansy ass dressed up like Lauren and call me. 

 You better have that cock out and lots of toys to use on yourself for me. I am here to rage fuck your worthless body and turn you into the perfect cock sleeve servant for me. You will be fully trained and ready to be pimped out for men as soon as I am done with you bitch!

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