Femboy training is what you get from me

When a sissy bitch needs some Femboy training they come to a sexy dom like me. “A good slut wears the cutest panties” I say with a smile. As I hold up your uniform, I see a little twitch in your bottoms. “We must put your cage on first ” I demand as you undress. “A pathetic little sissy whore can’t let her clitty get too excited” I tease as I cage you up. After you are dressed up, I make you bend over my knee for your dirty slut spankings.

Femboy training

“Thank your mistress for wasting her time and training you” I demand as I start to spank you. “Thank you, mistress, I am not worthy of you” you whimper over and over. Finally, your ass was red and marked up. “Lick my fucking boots bitch” I say as I start to strap up. Right away you start to licking. You know that if you follow tour training, you will be rewarded. “Take those panties off and bend over slut” I say as I lube my strap up.

“Thank you, mistress, for training me, I am yours” you whimper to me. Then I ram my strap cock depending on you. “I’m your owner bitch” I say as I pound your hole. That’s what you need and why you become my slave. “Mistress can I leak for you?” You ask. I want you to squirm, so I start spanking you over and over. “Leak for bitch” I demand of you. After you make a mess, I say “clean up bitch”. Then I throw your Sissy panties at you.

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