Sissy training weekend for Genesis

Sissy training

Sissy training can be extremely rewarding for men who don’t think that they are submissive. Or for men who are very dominant and want a change. Maybe even for some men who would think they’re completely against something like that altogether. Usually, most men don’t want to admit they it would turn them on, to have a woman completely diminish all masculinity within them. However, once they are shown just how satisfying it can feel to give over complete control to a woman…. mmmm that’s when it gets fun.

I prefer to just jump right in though. I’m not going to sit here and let you have any type of control over me. Once you make it into my bedroom, you’re my bitch, and you will be my little fucking cum whore. Everything you have is mine, and you will use it, to please me, take care of me, make me cum. And then, maybe then, I’ll let you get off. Preferably though, I’ll make you wait several days before you can cum. I’ll make you pleasure me very single day, and then leave your cock caged up, where you can’t even get hard.

I enjoy, no no, I get off on denying you the ability to cum for days, maybe even weeks. I will own you. You will obey me, you will call me Mistress Genesis. I will dress you up like the good little sissy boy that you are. I will cage your cock up nice and tight, and hide they key. Make you wear it to work, underneath your work clothes, and no one will know.

The only way your cock will be able to be unlocked is if you do everything that Mistress Genesis tells you to do. When you come home from work every day, you will take care of me in any way shape or form that I demand, got it? Good sissy boy, now call me, and let’s get started on your training. 

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