Best sissy trainer knows once a sissy 4eva a sissy, face it!

Best sissy trainerWhat makes me the Best sissy trainer is being able to get faggots to cum to their senses… I got a hopeless message from a sissy who thought it was his final farewell… Lucky sissy thought he had learned all the sissy lessons that he could from training. LOL, The faggot even thought he would be able to continue his life as a sexy man that would no longer feel the urge to have his mouth fed and bussy spread…

As if! The reality is; there is no way to leave his feminine faggot ways behind him… He has swallowed far too many loads and even upped the size of his toys. I had to show him his actions are not just sissy tendencies he is a full-blown Cock sucking slut.. His sweet ass and extensive fashionable lingerie collection are what he flaunts during Femboy training. It’s who he is and what he will always be, a –> f.a.g.g.o.t!

Did he think I’d be his Sexy therapist and side with his decision as if we were in some sort of support group? I hope not! Welp, No labels? Not even in his dreams… On his knees, worshipping cock like a Creampie slut is how he spent his day today. A nice thick 10-inch cock hosed down his face in creamy hot jizz.

That was my way of giving him a friendly reminder that he will forever be a sissy faggot Cum dumpster slut. We tried getting the fairy slut into a cock cage today but even the smallest wasn’t the fittest. His little nubby just slipped right out! I know, how pathetic. Lucky sissy must accept his fate as a widdle weeny sissy slut that will forever be on the receiving end.

If I have to remind him time after time over and over again during Online sissy training, I will. There is no way out, you will forever be a sexy ladyboy who looks much hotter in frillies, garters, and stockings. Face it! Men with small dicks are of a certain caliber – which will always lead them into submission and being degraded by Mature sexy women.

Cry about it LOL xD

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