Sissy Maddie

sissy hypno trainingI told a sissy loser that I would let everyone know how devoted she is to the BNWO AKA the Black New World Order. We have sissy hypno training sessions every week to maintain her discipline but she’s a good bitch regardless. When she is here, big daddy and I keep her on a leash and chain while positioned on her hands and knees. That’s how she waits for her command! If she’s a good slut I’ll take her for a walk through town and let everyone see what a pretty dick eater she is. My insemination slut’s job is to take all the black seed I want to breed her with. Bad bitches like me and my homegirls don’t need no babies! So, sissy Maddie takes every last drop of cum our bucks spew out. Maddie doesn’t mind getting smeared with cum and spoon fed hot loads all day long. I mean, look how cum hungry she is! She knows that a sissy white boy’s sole purpose is to serve the superior black race. I told her I wouldn’t expose but I’m going to blast her on this sissy site all day. Everyone say hi to submissive cum rag, Maddie!

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