Sissy girl training in diapers for little bitches who need it!

Sissy girl training Sissy girl training  in diapers for little bitches who need it! I’m Mistress Zoey and I love Girly sissies that enjoy dressing up and wearing adult diapers. Yes darling Diaper brat I will instill both discipline and a mommy type comfort for my little bitches, combining the girliest of outfits with the bondage of adult diapers.

The perfect sissy girl embraces both her femininity and a need for diapers, with or without shame! Diaper humiliation is definitely fun for the boys who are new to wearing padded leaky di-di’s!

Sissy girl training in diapers for little bitches who need it!

The scent of baby powder and floral perfume fill the air as the sissy girls prepare for their training. The diapers bulge under frilly bloomers!

“My pets, and Princesses, today you choose diapers over pussy!” I laugh and line up my baby doll sissykins! “Now we begin our Forced sissy training In diapers and frillies, obey me, and you might get a reward.” 

Next, this ABDL Mistress leads her sissy girls to a room filled with rows of frilly dresses in pastel colors and shelves stocked with an assortment of adult diapers. Each sissy girl picks out their outfit for the day, carefully selecting matching bloomers to go over their thick diapers.

The room is filled with giggles and soft rustling as they change into their chosen costumes!  Mommy Mistress then leads her girls out of the room, each one feeling the heavy weight of the diapers on their bottom and the feeling of being completely helpless. They giggle with excitement as they anticipate the day’s fun activities!

Forced sissy training In diapers and frillies

As they line up in front of me, I inspect each sissy girl with a critical eye. “Such pretty little diapered dolls you all make,” Giggling.  “Now, it’s time for your adult diaper Sissy slave training to begin.” 

Sissy slave training makes you want to be a girl in diapers and give up pussy

Clapping my hands twice, and a series of tasks appear on the screen in front of them. From walking delicately in heels to practicing proper curtsies, the sissy girls dive into their training with enthusiasm. The sound of crinkling diapers accompanied every movement, a constant reminder of their padded state. Frilly dresses swishing against their diapers with each movement making Mistress cackle. I have so much in store for my pretty diapered princesses, and it only begins here!

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