Forced feminization Is a skill for all Boi Toys!

Forced feminizationForced feminization Is a skill all young women should have for her begging boi Toys! MMM, To push your buttons makes me so happy!  With you I will become an expert at the art of forced feminization and sissification. Cum, Mistress

Zoey will guide you through each step of the Femmi process and help you become the ultimate femboy. Tell me baby boy, are you ready to take the plunge into sissydom and start your transformation today? The world is a shit hole, you should finally be at a place you can let your little whore out to play! I know exactly how to mold and fold you into what you lust and daydream about?  You won’t be the same after I’m done with you. I’m your only hope to be the perfect sissy you want to be. 

Forced feminization Is a skill all young women should have

There are some things I learned long ago and will always integrate in my sissy la-las. Forced sissy training Is something that breaks down the ego and obscures the roles of masculinity! No longer do you have to cater to the horrible roles of society and find your pretty and cock loving world with me.  Time for me tomold you into the perfect sissy and you’ll be thankful for it.

Let go and have Zoey teach you to love cock and take on your true feminine identity. With me, you become the whore of the hour you really  want to be. From the bi-curious, to crossdressers who love pussy you understand that sometimes you need a seductive strong sexy hand! Come with me to sissy la-la land! 

For the Ultimate Femboy training Let Zoey Lead the way almost gay!

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