Oh. My. God. Look at that tiny little cock. Looks like you’re ready for some humiliation phone sex. I can’t believe you are even trying to pass that thing off as a dick. It’s more like a clit and trust me when I say that you’ll NEVER be making a woman cum with that ridiculous little nub. I’m sure you’ve tried, but it’s just not physically possible. The only thing you’ll ever make me or any other woman do with that thing is laugh. And I don’t give a fuck if me laughing at your little dick makes you sad or upset. You can even cry and it won’t affect me.
It would be so much fun to gather a group of my girlfriends and have you there as the maid. Serving drinks to us in your little outfit will make me smile. And I’m going to make you tell each and every one of them why you’re all dressed up in a maid outfit. Beware, though – once they find out what a tiny dicked loser you are, they’re probably gonna want to fuck you with a strap on to show you what a real cock would be like. Oh well. It just comes with the territory. Call me and find out the rest of the things you’ll be doing for me.