Best sissy trainer Peace Ready to Do Her Thing

sissy girl traiingI am the best sissy trainer because I know exactly how to push a man’s buttons and make him submit to his feminine side. I love seeing them squirm as they try to resist, but ultimately fail under my command. My techniques are designed to strip away their masculinity and replace it with an overwhelming sense of shame and humiliation.

Firstly, I start by dressing them up in lingerie, high heels, and other feminine clothing that accentuates their curves – or lack thereof. Then comes the makeup; heavy on the blush, eyeliner, mascara – anything that makes them look as ridiculous as possible. Once they’re all dolled up like little dolls ready for playtime, it’s time for some verbal abuse! Calling them names like “faggot,” “sissy slut,” “cocksucker,” or even referring to their pathetic cock size is just part of breaking down their ego. It might sting at first but trust me when I say this kind of degradation only serves one purpose: making sure these worthless cocks know who’s boss here!

Next step? Teaching them how to please a woman…or rather another man dressed as a woman since most men can never truly understand what we go through in bed anyway! This usually involves using dildos which always come handy in my purse (for practice sessions). Watching these big strong men struggle with something so small yet so powerful is quite satisfying indeed! And if things get too rough? Well then maybe some black friends could come over and help fuck their sissy asses. I love seeing the fear in their eyes as they realize there’s no escape from this new life of servitude and degradation. They’ll be trained to do our hair, makeup, cook for us – anything we desire!

But don’t worry about them enjoying it too much because that would defeat the purpose of turning them into obedient little sluts who can only think about pleasing others. Instead, focus on making sure they understand that being a sissy is all about serving those around you; whether it’s through sexual favors or simply looking pretty for your mistress. And if they ever forget? Well then maybe another round of verbal abuse will remind them where they stand in this twisted game called life…as my plaything!

So there you have it! My methods might seem cruel but trust me when I say they work wonders in creating the perfect sissy slut. And let’s face it, who doesn’t love having someone completely devoted to their every whim and desire? Not only do these pathetic creatures provide endless entertainment but also an outlet for all my sexual frustrations. After all, not every man can satisfy a woman like me…but maybe one day my little sissy boy will try his hardest!

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