Look at you in your silly Sissy panties! You’ve got those ruffly ones on that I wore before I hit puberty. You look absolutely ridiculous! Don’t you know that nowadays girls wear thongs? Well girls like me you are not comparable, of course. But if you’re looking to get fucked like most sissy’s then you’ll have to do it my way! Slut clothes only if you’re looking to get what you’ve been craving all along. I love having you as my personal entertainment for my amusement only! I am going to force you onto your knees, you can see your tiny wanna-be dick growing in your panties as I force you to suck my strap on. Using your mouth and throat as you beg for me to slow down and stop! No no no, I don’t take orders from stupid sissy sluts you will take it. I will make you take it. Those little girl panties are starting to get wet because my sissy slut is loving being used all up properly like all girls are.