One-time Sissy maid training

Good morning my little bitches. I want to tell you about the time one of my favorite sissies came over for some sexy sissy maid training. He wanted to surprise his partner, so he went to the best trainer he knew of. When he knocked on my door, this is what happened.

                His partner was submissive, but he came to me to learn how to be submissive for the first time. I knew I needed to break him first, so he stripped his clothes off, feeling very vulnerable, and I made him get on his knees. I brought him a change of clothes, including white crotchless nylons and a sexy French maid outfit, and black four-inch chunky heels to finalize it. He told me that he felt so violated.

                Although he told me he was feeling ashamed, his hard cock told me something else, and that happened after he was already wearing the maid outfit. He was breaking, but I needed him more broken. I went into the other room and came back with my seven-inch strap-on. I bent him over the couch, after I stuffed his sissy panties in his mouth to shut him up. His eyes looked terrified as he knew what was about to happen.

                After he was in position, I stuck my huge dildo inside his asshole, and I heard his muffled screams. After two or three good, solid pumps, he came everywhere. His dick shot sperm over a foot away. I knew he was ready to surprise his partner after the only training session.

Sissy maid training

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