Tag: Online sissy training. Femboy training

Don’t Be Shy Sissy Boy

sissy phone sex You don’t have to be shy. I’m an expert when it comes to pegging perfect little sissy boy assholes like yours. Do you like my strap-on? It’s hard, black, and 12 inches for you. Aren’t you excited that I’m going to stretch out your little ass hole baby? Why don’t you start by worshiping it first. You had better get it nice and wet with that hot hungry mouth of yours, because the only lube that I’m going to use is whatever slobber comes from your fucking throat. Oh yes baby, choke on my fucking dildo. Show me how much you want me to fuck you in that little ass. I know you bitches love it when I peg you, so make sure it’s just wet enough so that I can slide all 12 in into your asshole. Oh you’re perfect, now bend over and spread those cheeks. Look at you! You’ve never even had anything in your ass have you? This is going to be a lot more than just the pinky sweetie. This is going to be 12 inches of hard black cock pounding away at your prostate. Are you ready to get pegged? Good. Let me line up with your little shit hole right here, and boom! I’ve shoved all 12 fucking inches right into you. Just give it a minute to stretch, but I’m not going to slow down. I’m going to fuck you at supersonic speed and show you exactly what a fucking little slut you are for me.